Enchantment Learning & Living Blog

Welcome to Enchantment Learning & Living, the inspirational space where I write about the simple pleasures, radical self-care, and everyday magic that make life delicious.

Gone Travelin'

Yes, this is exactly how I look after 24 hours of plane hopping...don't you?

Yes, this is exactly how I look after 24 hours of plane hopping...don't you?

By the time you read this, I'll be on a plane across the pond!  That's right, I'm leaving my hobbit hole for another summer adventure.  Last year it was Italy--my first ever time abroad, a post-Ph.D. treat to myself.  This year, I'm taking a whirlwind tour of THREE whole countries: Spain, France, and England, specifically Barcelona, Paris, and London.  What an adventure!

And no, I haven't forgotten my promise to write a blog a day this year!  It may take some fancy footwork on my part and some patience on your part, but I think a blog a day while traveling is still doable.  So in honor of this trip, my blogs for the next two weeks will be focused on the joys of traveling and what I hope to see during this trip. I'll be reflecting on how travel informs and inspired us, and the things I hope to take with me from my destinations: from delicious recipes to ways of thinking to bits of everyday magic.

I'll also try to post pictures of my day-to-day activities on Facebook as I can--so keep an eye out!  In the meantime, if you want to learn more about the places I'm going and enjoy some serious eye-candy, check out my travel boards for each location on Pinterest here: Barcelona, Paris, and London.

Until tomorrow!

Enchantment Learning & Living is an inspirational blog celebrating life’s simple pleasures, everyday mysticism, and delectable recipes that are guaranteed to stir the kitchen witch in you. If you enjoyed what you just read and believe that true magic is in the everyday, subscribe to my newsletter below for regular doses of enchantment. Want even more inspiration? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Here’s to a magical life!

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